A New Old-School Approach to Recruiting

A New Old-School Approach to Recruiting

A New Old-School Approach to Recruiting

By Shaun Boen, VP of Recruiting/COO

I am on a mission to completely transform the recruiting industry….
Here is what I am doing….
-Create genuine partnerships with companies rooted in honesty, trust, & results
-Taking the time to understand the specific needs of my clients by asking a lot of questions in order to bring them candidates that are qualified for the job
-Not wasting companies time with candidates that are not a fit
-Actually picking up my phone and calling the Hiring Authorities to present the candiates.
-Giving the Hiring Authority the information on a candidate that’s not on the resume.
-Treating candidates with genuine respect and helping them navigate their career aspirations
-Coaching candidates on best interview practices
-Being honest with candidates… even when it is hard
-Working with the strictest confidentiality on both the candidate side and company side
-Recruiting with the highest ethical and moral standards possible by telling the truth and getting down to brass tax
You see, I’m not transforming the recruiting world by implementing the best CRM, using AI, or posting 1,000 fake job postings.
There is nothing wrong with using technology. The problem that I see right now in recruiting is that recruiters have relied too much on technology to do their job.
They have forgotten how to do the hardwork. They have forgotten how to pick up a phone. They have forgotten how to be honest and ethical. They have forgotten that “human touch”. They have become lazy.
I’m a small operation and have no intention to transform the recruiting world. The reality is, that’s way above my pay grade and the problem is outside of my control.
I know companies and candidates want to connect with a recruiter that they can trust and rely on. That’s what I can control.
If you are looking for a recruiter to partner with to find qualified talent or if you are job seeker looking for a better opportunity feel free to reach out to me.
If I can help you, I’ll do my best. If I can’t help you, I’ll tell you.

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