Win That Job- Interviewing for Success

Win That Job- Interviewing for Success

Win That Job- Interviewing for Success
online version

You have done it. You have an interview scheduled for your next job. It could be your first job, or it could be a better job. It could be outside of your current company, or you could be interviewing for a promotion. Whatever the situation, you got the interview.

Now the hard work begins. Over the last decade, we have prepared literally hundreds of individuals for the interview process. Let’s face it, interviewing is something that most people only do a few times in their lives.

We obsess over it. We researched it. We have debriefed hundreds of candidates and hiring authorities and have asked what went well and what went poorly. We have gathered my years of research into this book and offer it to you as the last guide you will ever need to successfully navigate the interview process and come out with a job offer.

Now, nothing we can teach you can substitute for experience in the field you are interviewing for. But if you have the requisite experience, this handbook will set you apart from all other applicants.

We will cover: 

  • The application, resume, and cover letter
  • The initial interview (phone)
  • The face-to-face interview
  • The questions to ask and to prepare an answer for
  • What to do when you leave the interview
  • What to do in the days following the interview

It is our expectation that if you follow this guide and sprinkle in your personality and your experience, you will come out with a job offer, a raise, or a promotion. It is our hope that this book helps you attain your career goals.

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