


At Solid Rock Recruiting, our partners are highly trained recruiters who are passionate about helping our clients and candidates become the best that they can be. Our processes are focused on you and your definition of success. Our relationships are strategic partnerships designed for the mutual benefit of all parties involved. We desire a process where everyone involved comes out better for their time working with us.

For our clients, our strategic partnership means we get to know them—their company—and their unique way of doing business. There are no cookie-cutter companies. Just talking with the owners, you get the sense that the business is their baby. They are passionate about how they deliver their services and how it aligns with their own personal values. Our recruiters take the time to listen and develop a sense of what the perfect candidate looks like, with not only the hard skills required to do the job but also the soft skills to fit into the company culture.

Our team uses the knowledge of the recruiting process with deep industry-specific knowledge, the most up-to-date technology, and a personalized approach to bring each client and candidate to their highest potential. Our goal is to create a situation where all parties involved come out ahead through the process. Our goal is to help candidates, owners, and companies reach their highest potential by creating a work environment that has the right people in the right chairs to ensure growth and success.

For our candidates , we listen to their passions and aspirations. We offer a listening ear and, where needed, offer mentorship and coaching to help them through the entire job search process. We help them see if they are in the best situation currently by asking questions and presenting career opportunities that align with their career and life goals and aspirations.

Our Process for finding the right talent for your company

When it comes to finding talent, you have many different options. Depending on your search, and your level of urgency, My team and I at Solid Rock Recruiting may be your best option.  There are many reasons that people use a top recruiting firm like Solid Rock Recruiting - here are just a few:

  1. We partner with companies who have critical need positions, which they are unable to fill with their own efforts.  It makes no sense for you to pay us a fee if your own efforts at hiring are successful. However, since there is no fee unless you hire our candidate, why not have a look at the best candidates that are not actively on the market - the ones we represent!
  2. Companies hire me to find the best. We keep our focus on passive candidates-those who your competitors are unaware of! We actively seek to draw out the best of the best. Who are they?
    Those who are fully employed and passively looking
    Those who will only move for the right reason- a better opportunity
    Those who offer the exact skill set you are looking for.
  3. We want to bring you people you will hire, and those you need in a timely manner.  How? Proactively-I strive for 80-100 calls per day on your job to find you the “best of the best”.
  4. We spend the time initially with your team, to completely understand your organization and your current needs. As a professional recruiter, I can help you better define what you are looking for, and I can coach you on the realism of your of your position description, the availability of talent, and the going rate of salary it will take to attract that talent. Working with me can help you get out in front of your competition in every economic situation.
  5. We want to get to know you and your company; We listen to what you are looking for, and match not only the skill set, but also the cultural fit. It is important that the people that we place will impact your business positively for many years.
  6. We focus on the hidden market, being able to find the top talent in the 10-20% of gainfully employed individuals who are not looking for a job, but are looking for the right opportunity. The candidates we bring have: 
  • Right skill set
  • Ready to make a change
  • Proven track record
  • Realistic expectations
  • Mutual respect

In our line of work, relationships, trust, and respect are all earned, and they need to be earned every day. We strive at Solid Rock Recruiting, to be the best recruiter your company has ever used, and to bring you the best value with our efforts. We will not waste your time; We will always strive to ‘hit the cover off the ball’ with the people we present to your company.

And, the best thing is, there is no fee unless you actually hire the candidate that we source for you - in other words, there is no cost for reviewing resumes and interviewing our candidates. The fee is only due if you hire them.

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